A unique approach to Manual Handling training that actually works!
How much do you value your workers’ health & safety?
Optimum Training provides specific onsite injury management training programmes for businesses to support health and wellbeing and reduce sprain and strain injuries.
Optimum Training is the leading educator in workplace behavioural change programmes for injury prevention in NZ.
Your employees are your greatest asset, are you doing enough to protect their wellbeing?
We empower your people with increased knowledge and awareness of injury-causing behaviours to create physical resilience and self-management skills.
Why choose our unique training system
Top 5 Benefits

Your people will learn valuable techniques to prevent strain and sprain injuries.

Simple & Easy
Simple solutions that make sense. The light goes on and the penny drops.

Self Responsibility
Self trust and self belief precedes self responsibility. We empower your people to do what’s best for them.

Improve Productivity
Work with less pain and fatigue for increased productivity and reduced absenteeism.

Reduced Costs
Significantly reduce the cost of lost time injuries (LTIs) from work.
Common Pain Points
Our tailored programmes help businesses solve these problems
Did you know that over 80% of your workforce are putting up with pain and discomfort on an almost daily basis? This typically goes unreported.
Too often, Kiwis take a ‘she’ll be right’ attitude to pain and injury. This results in distraction, inattention, reduced quality, short-cuts, near-miss incidents, slowing down on the job, mistakes and errors, all of which affects your productivity and profitability.
See our Solution
Pain and discomfort are only the symptoms of an underlying cause. We address the underlying cause to reduce people’s pain and discomfort levels. Many people have lost the ability to interpret their own bodies correctly and subsequently don’t correct their actions to reduce harm.
Optimum Training teaches people to develop intuitive risk assessment skills and identify a strain-free, safer approach to all work tasks. This will help your people to better self-manage while on the job and improve production.
With all the emphasis and intervention in Health and Safety, injury rates are not going down. Companies invest heavily and spend thousands of dollars to upgrade equipment and improve workplace design, but that does not guarantee reduced injury rates. That is because most pain and discomfort experienced in the workplace is self-inflicted.
No one deliberately hurts themselves, but people are inadvertently hurting themselves because of their habits.
See our Solution
Physical movement and habits are determined by individual beliefs, attitudes and thinking – not the
It is an individual’s mindset that determines their actions. Optimum Training addresses these elements alongside movement and action learning. People become more mindful, aware of themselves and their surroundings, changing some of the
old thinking that causes the problem.
We coach people to take responsibility for their own actions to prevent sprain and strain injury.
Current lifting and stretching protocols over the past five decades have NOT reduced rates of strain and sprain injuries. That is because the old rules typically associated with traditional ‘Manual Handling’ techniques, are in fact, actually part of the problem.
For example, “bend you knees and keep your back straight” was once considered best technique for lifting. “Sit up straight” is still by definition, considered best posture. These instructions are not only incorrect but are causing harm to the body.
See our Solution
MoveSmart: ThinkSmart is based on a performance model which is different from the medical model that research shows have failed to reduce the incidence of injuries.
As kids, we all naturally adopt best practice. In fact, by age 5, we intuitively develop the correct ‘auto-pilot’ for all aspects of human performance.
But from age 13, most people are already demonstrating bad technique learnt from cultural and social conditioning (holding tummy in etc.).
So, we must un-learn what has caused the years of bad habits that have progressively led to an increase in injury rates. But to change our physical behaviour, we must first change the underlying thought process and beliefs that we hold true, that influence our way of doing things.
Free Resources on Workplace Injury Prevention
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