MoveSmart ThinkSmart

Do your employees know how to stay safe in your workplace?

Movesmart thinksmart Training

MoveSmart ThinkSmart is undertaken in small groups of up to 13 people (time taken depends on the selected programme).

We give people an understanding of the underlying causes of all their muscle and joint pain, and equip them with the means to:

We recognise every person as their own expert. Rather than telling people what they should do, we offer possibilities of what they could do differently and help people work out what is best for them.

MoveSmart ThinkSmart all training courses

Good to get started (optional)

Workplace Assessment

2hr-4hr assessment

Review of current work-place practices with reference to the MoveSmart principles and ergonomic factors

MoveSmart Training Plans

MoveSmart Essential

2hr training

Basic introduction to MoveSmart techniques.

MoveSmart Comprehensive

4hr training

Comprehensive understanding of MoveSmart techniques

MoveSmart Premium Plus

4hr training + additional coaching

Comprehensive understanding of MoveSmart techniques PLUS one-on-one training with the instructor on-the-job

Once you have completed Basic, Standard or Premium further training can be undertaken

Further Training

MoveSmart Champions

4hr Coaching

Coaching programme that empowers workplace leaders (Health and Safety Reps, Team Supervisors, Managers) to support the MoveSmart principles in your workplace

Companies that achieve the greatest success with the MoveSmart ThinkSmart training are those that drive and support the key principles of the programme, to the point where it becomes part of the health and safety culture.

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